Krill – Lucky Leaves

Boston’s Krill are back with their second LP Lucky Leaves, a follow-up to 2012’s Alam No Hris. You can preview the first track from the album now courtesy of Stereogum.

The track lurches around like the hideous product of some genetic experiment gone wrong, staggering the halls, alive and angry and relishing it’s weirdness.

The album can be pre-ordered now from Bandcamp, either digitally or on a USB stick encased in a ball of mozzarella (for the bargain price of $100). As the band explain:

Until we get or someone gives us the money to release this album on vinyl, it will be available on USB drive embedded in a ball of mozzarella cheese. We will personally embed the USB and overnight the cheese packed in ice, though we CANNOT say that the cheese will be edible upon receipt. Everybody has an opinion about the best format for music these days; this is ours

The mozzarella is limited to 1,000,000 so make sure you are quick. You don’t want to be one of those losers who missed the cheese.